Sunday, February 10, 2008

Voting for a woman? What...are you CRAZY?

OK, so I thought that the voting age in this country was set to make sure that those who vote are grownups. I know, I know...not everyone is a grown up at 18. But...

Why is it that by virtue of being a woman and a registered Democrat (Ugh! Why do I even have to register as an anything in the first place...ok, wrong soapbox), I am expected to vote for the woman who is running? I mean, C'mon folks...Really? What happens if I just happen to be Hispanic? The Hispanic guy who was running dropped out of the race. Now what? Am I just supposed not vote, or is there some other type of hierarchy that I'm supposed to follow? So are the only people who have an actual choice White, Christian (or at least Born-again, whatever that is), white-collar, etc, etc?

So, can someone explain to me like a two-year old what I'm supposed to do? For the record, I am:

A Woman
...and don't forget the good old Lesbo part.... (Which I have to admit is the most fun!)

I wonder if we can put Clinton, Richardson, and McCain in a blender and mix 'em all up and spit out an appropriate choice for me to vote on. Ugh!

But wait a sec. I just realized that I am missing representation here...where is the token Lesbo? can we vote appropriately without the tokens? Should I run? Hell, why not! Katia for Prez!!! Look, very own helicopter, airplane, office, and everything else. I can create world peace; abolish all weapons, green vegetables, bad music, and weirdoes! Yippee!

I'll be able to push my own agenda regardless of whatever anyone thinks. Ha Ha, too late, I'm in. Joke is on you.

I'll be able to outlaw ugly people driving convertibles, old men wearing spandex, and Halliburton. The Bad Boyz of Blackwater and their cohorts will actually be offered rules of engagement and, well, just Rules in General prior to being sent off to play cowboys with really cool guns for lots of money. I'll declare the Chihuahua as the national dog, popcorn as its own food group, and I'll even fine companies who outsource to foreign countries when there are resources available domestically.

And when I get caught lying to my people, I’ll find something else to get them worried about to distract them from the fact that I lied in the first place. Amazing how I can do that again and again.

I guessed I just digressed into some kind of fantasy world. Sorry about that. I mean, THAT could NEVER happen, huh!

Back to the point. What was the point? Exactly...