Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Money well spent

Okay, so I was, as usual, pursing through MSNBC when I found this article: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20581183/. I admit that I did not read it in its entirety, but one comment came to mind as soon as I saw the headline: DUH! I mean, really folks. Did someone actually spend money and time to determine if drug-taking, massive alcohol drinking, non-sleeping, partying rockers are more likely to die sooner than those who do not live such a invigorating lifestyle? I think that those funds just might have been put to better use for something like, hmmmmm, FEEDING SOMEONE!

I think that I'm going to apply for a research grant to find out a few more things such as:

If a person that is sitting still in vehicle that is moving 70 mph down the highway...are they really sitting still?

Or perhaps I'd like to study the effectiveness of 3-month calendars versus 1-month calendars.

Maybe I'd like to perform a study that will help us understand the psychology of using different sizes and colors of sticky notes.

More to come...as soon as I greatefully accept that grant funding to study why some people prefer to play Scrabble over Yatzee.


Sgt said...

I'm hoping to get a grant to find out if a person gets paid the same amount of money but has no employment obligations will be happy.

I think it will be excellent research!

KatiaSul said...

I'm willing to be that for a short period, that person would be happy...but in the long run, boredom would set in.

Sgt said...

Yeah. I worked from home for 3 years (I only had 1 child back then). Even that was boring.

Perhaps I could just convince the government to give us the money rather than fund all these foolish studies. I think we all win in that scenario.